Structure of the Company


The JSC Ventbunkers is managed by shareholders meeting, Supervisory Board and Management Board.


Only JSC Ventbunkers shareholder meeting has the competence to make decisions on changes in charters, on recruitment and withdrawal Supervisory Board members, external and internal auditors and liquidators, to approve the annual financial report and the use of profit, to increase or reduce the shareholder capital, to decide on issue and conversion of securities, to decide on the termination, continuation or reorganization of activity of the enterprise.

Supervisory Board

Supervisory Board of JSC Ventbunkers is monitoring body which represents interests of shareholders between shareholder meetings and supervises activities of the Management Board according to framework specified in the law and charters.

Shareholder meeting elects Supervisory board members of JSC Ventbunkers for a period of 3 years.

Current structure of the Supervisory board:

Rudolf Meroni – Chairperson of Supervisory Board
Gints Laiviņš-Laivenieks – Deputy Chairperson of Supervisory Board
Franz Harrand – Supervisory Board member
Lidiia Meroni – Supervisory Board member

Management Board

The Management Board of JSC Ventbunkers is executive body which operates and represents the enterprise. The Management Board is responsible for commercial activity of the enterprise and financial reporting according to applicable laws and regulations. The Board manages the property of the enterprise and handles its assets according to laws, charters and the decisions made by shareholders meeting and Supervisory board.

Supervisory Board of JSC Ventbunkers elects the Management Board for a period of 3 years.
