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Transhipment volume of AS VENTBUNKERS has grown by 45% in 9 months period 2013

2013 - 11 - 06

Within the 9 months period starting January 2013 AS VENTBUNKERS has transhipped more than 3.2 million tons of oil products, which is 45% more than during the same period in 2012.


 Most increase has occurred due to large volume of the light oil products. The total transhipment amount of the light oil products equals 1.9 million, which exceeds the amount transhipped last year by 117%.


 In September, AS VENTBUNKERS terminal has transhipped 315 thousand tons of oil products. In September the largest volume increase has derived from the light oil products, which is close to triple the amount transhipped in September last year, and exceeds the amount transhipped in August by 5%. In total 259 tons of the light oil, products been transhipped in September 2013.



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