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Investment Projects of AS VENTBUNKERS in 2013

2013 - 09 - 15

Investment Projects of AS VENTBUNKERS in 2013

The total amount allowed for investments in 2013 is LVL 1.1 million. This entire amount is to be used for investments in capital assets of AS VENTBUNKERS.

Capital investments are required in order to provide maximum improvement of the transhipment terminal’s work while maintaining high labour safety, fire safety and environmental protection standards.

Material investment projects of AS VENTBUNKERS in 2013 include:

  • Consumption and obtain an option to use cheaper alternative fuels. Replacement of the old burners at AS VENTBUNKERS boiler house for new efficient combined burners in order to reduce fuel

  • Completion of the fire alarm system construction has increased the level of AS VENTBUNKERS terminal’s fire safety.

  • A powerful modern fuel oil pump was purchased which will replace the old equipment and will provide faster and more efficient fuel oil transhipment process at the terminal.

  • Construction works of the steam collection system are still in progress. Implementation of the oil products steam collection system will prevent oil products steam from exhaustion into the atmosphere during ship loading or rail car discharging processes and thus will improve the ecological environment in the terminal and in the town significantly.

  • Renovation of the core junctions at the sewage purification plant comprises repairs of coal filter sections, renovation of water pipes polluted with oil products, repairs of the purification plant roof and water supply pipes of the fire fighting system which allows further safe and efficient use of the purification facility.

  • Renovation of the reservoir roof and renovation of the reservoir fire fighting pipes is in progress in order to provide safe and long term use of the reservoirs according to the regulations.

  • Replacement of rail crossties is important for further use of railway tracks in the territory of AS VENTBUNKERS in accordance with the safety standards.

  • Seeking of innovative solutions to accelerate the fuel oil tank car discharge process and improve the energy consumption efficiency, testing and purchase of fuel oil unloading equipment is performed.

  • Renovation of the video watching system is being performed in order to improve safety level at the terminal in accordance with all the normative acts regulating operations of a port terminal.

  • Modernisation of the laboratory equipment is important so as performance of the laboratories corresponds the highest international standards and requirements for their accreditation.

  • Modernisation of the power supply control system is in progress.


These are main capital investments in 2013. Besides the mentioned, daily works are performed in order to improve energy efficiency, the environment safety and the technological processes.

AS VENTBUNKERS continues to provide fundamental investments in the terminal in order to facilitate development of the company and retain its strategic importance in the oil products transhipment field in the Baltic Sea region.



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